

それでも新しいMacBook Proを導入してまだ半年だったので、Boot CampでWindowsを動かし、Autodesk社のRevit(レビット)をインストールして、ゲーミングPCとMacの2台体制でBIMをはじめることにはした。








"I introduced a gaming PC"

Introducing gaming PC and starting VR. In order to start BIM, PC with the same performance is necessary, what is different is graphic performance. On Mac, the graphic performance did not catch up, and VR and BIM required PC for that much graphic performance.

Still it was half a year since I introduced the new MacBook Pro, so I decided to start Windows with Boot Camp, install Autodesk's Revit and start a BIM with two gaming PCs and Macs.

When creating a simple model, Mac is enough, because it is light, I carry around, carrying out detailed models, presentation materials, CG, VR data when using gaming PC differently.

Operation of VR is not a difficult thing, so we can do it smoothly, Revit learned basic things through a commercially available textbook, and he asked people whenever I do not understand it.

If you've used CAD, there are certain peculiarities of Revit, but you can do it without problems. Since there is no concept of a layer, there is no layer etc. in the actual construction in the first place, so do not use layers when you try to create a model that corresponds to an actual building in Revit.

To create the actual building, the floor is a floor, the wall is a wall, the ceiling is a ceiling, and the base is a base as a base. Similarly, CAD called Vectorworks (VectorWorks) which I used before was able to make the floor as the floor and the wall as the wall, but there is a layer, it has more general versatility, a square floor could be made as an object, but in Revit a construction Although it is possible to do so, its versatility is not high so far, it seems that it is because it can not be used unless the information is properly sorted by floor and so on with BIM, but it can also be shaped freely according to the operation It was.

I made the gaming PC a notebook. Since I was able to carry a complete set of VR equipments, I could carry a gaming PC as a notebook, and I could do VR anywhere. This was brought to the owner's house and was supposed to have a meeting to have the VR plan to build a house to be built ahead of the other, but I plans to make a meeting and places it in the place I am designing Because I wanted to set up by my side and want to consider architectures under design at any time by VR.

After that, thanks to the introduction of the gaming PC in the early stages, what was not imagined at this time could be expanded, which also resulted in new opportunities.