





"As you feel"

Oh, I do, I don't care, I don't feel like doing anything at all, but I have a lot of things to do, and I'm hungry because I'm hungry, so I'm not motivated I think I will change my mind if I eat a lot of rice and eat it again, but I feel the same, oh yeah, how to do it, how I do a barrage of irritating, how I do, when I feel depressed But, when I feel good, the opposite is true, so I feel like I can eat a lot of food.

What to make, to make something that will not be done now, if it is, enliven all the mood, thinking that it will be useful for making.

Because there is a feeling that it is natural to move the body to make a choice, let's feel it here or there, so I think that it is natural that the mood is involved in the process of creating something, but it changes with the mood Even when it is caught in the negative.

So, if you borrow the mood of the person who uses it, I think that it would be better to get in the process, and I'm not sure about the mood connection, but there is a drink, there are people who drink, and the people who drink Wajima-Nuri's free cup was the first to think of a design that could only hold true, and a med's finally came with a sample of the paint.
