






"Balance adjustment"

The space when eating is private or public, the act of eating seems like a very private thing, if you think carefully, it is defenseless when you eat and it is quite common for people to see it It may be embarrassing.

Well, I don't really like it because I don't really like watching people eating and eating up close.

If you eat alone, at home, in a shop, in private time, the place becomes a private space cut out from the surroundings, but if you are with someone, whether you are private or public depending on who you are with Divided.

If so, you only have to choose the time and shop from time to time, but what to do in a house where you can't change the place, you might change the setting depending on the person you eat together.

Changing settings, the worst thing for architecture, because architecture doesn't change and can't respond to change. Originally, it should be adjustable, but the balance is private or public.









"Kitchen is free"

When I was thinking of living in the kitchen, I suddenly thought of a brazier.

Speaking of that, when I was a child, there was a brazier in my house, where I cooked and warmed up. Of course, although it is not the main fire type, there is a taste, but the place with the brazier was a kitchen, a dining room, or a living room.

The only difference between a kitchen or non-kitchen or a kitchen or washroom is whether there is a fire or not. IH may be used.

Speaking of which, if you go to the mountains and camping, it will be a kitchen everywhere.

What happens if there is no need to fix the kitchen separately? Even if you do not live in the kitchen, the place where you live is also the kitchen.

Some people want to hide the kitchen. If there is no kitchen, it will probably not be a house and may be treated as an office under the Building Standards Act. Whether or not there is a kitchen that controls food, it is quite important as a house, but it is important for living, but as an architecture, kitchen is only a term for one function, so it satisfies the function If you think that all you need is equipment, then you can place it anywhere, and if so, you can say that you can decide rather than how the space and form of the architecture are decided.










"Kitchen life"

You can only cook and eat your own food at your own home. Your home includes villas and homes, and you cannot enter camp.

So cooking and eating is a major activity at home. If you think about it, you can do other life activities, even if you are not in your own home, sleeping, taking a bath, or even spending time with your family.

So if you don't cook yourself, you don't need your own house, even if you don't need it, it might cost more, but you might want to live in a hotel . However, it is a different story whether it will give you a sense of security as if you were in a safe zone.

Hungry is a physiological phenomenon, so everyone has to prepare food for that, so if you say the extreme, for those who make it, your home = kitchen It would be safe.

I work from home but stay in the dining room except when I sleep. Although there is a work room, I now work at a dining table in the storage of documents and books.

I didn't cook a lot, but this style was because I started cooking boiled beans, and I couldn't help thinking about the progress, and the smell of cooking beans I loved it, so I started working nearby, and now it is convenient because the kitchen is in place, the refrigerator is close, and coffee can be ground from beans.

So, if you make a map of whereabouts at home in a day, it will fit in a very narrow area. If so, I thought it would be nice to make it smaller and live in the kitchen, and make that space a garden or something, take more distance from the neighbor and take in more sunlight from the windows I want to.













Think about "What should we make?"

If you are given a pawn and a title, it will come out automatically, but it will not be enough, so I will try to take a good look at its automatic contents.

So we meet two forks.

One is to decide where to go, and then to build up that time, and the other is to decide where you want to go and just go to that.

Neither road is correct or one is incorrect, but the place to reach depends on the road.

I've been doing a lot of ways to decide where to go, and if it's a job, it's much more so if I don't decide where to go, nothing will go according to plan. First of all, if you decide where to go, it will be a heavy road, and it won't have a positive effect on what you'll get, so stop deciding where you want to go, and how you look forward Kana, think about what to do for that.

Having the ideal of what you want to make, it's a fun situation to think about what to make and how to make it every day.

Then, if the method of making is not fun, there is nothing as fixed as the method of making. If the way of making changes each time, it won't spread and it's inefficient, so just enjoy it.

So, I started an attempt to reconsider how to make it and came to Kinko's at night after a long time.











Have you ever watched the transition of light? Have you ever stayed in the same place with shadows and looked at light and shadows for hours?

If you want to do it, you can't do it. If you do it easily, you can do it in your own home. What is necessary is just to follow the trace of the light which injects from a window. You just have to watch it.

But no one will do it. There aren't many people out there, and I'm tired in the first place.

Even if you can stay in a place that is said to be a famous building, you can only take the sun. I can't stay all day.

However, the designing side calculates the degree of change of the light. The light you are imagining when you think about where to take openings.

The first architect to visit is Tadao Ando's "Church of Light". As is known in the name of architecture, it is a structure with a cross of light, and there are slits in the shape of a cross on the concrete wall. At that time, I watched the light transition of the cross from morning till evening until it became dark. Even though it was a simple structure with slits on the wall, it was impressed by the richness of the light transition, and that was the beginning of the design.

Light is available to everyone equally. I thought that it was the architect's ability to give the light a cross shape, and at that time I wanted to do this kind of work. At that time, I realized the possibility of the light that I was always seeing, and after that I became aware of the light.

I was impressed with what I hadn't been aware of before, and I was impressed with it, so I was impressed with architecture.


軽井沢にある篠原一男のTanikawa Houseでのお茶会後、名残惜しく、その地を離れる前に、もう一度、建物の周りを巡って、斜面を登り、南側から見た時だった、今までの様相とは違う表情が見え、ハッとし、思わず「いい」と呟いてしまった。





"Illusion of the moment"

After the tea party at Tanikawa House by Shinohara Kazuo in Karuizawa, before leaving the place, once again around the building, climbing the slope and looking from the south side, the situation until now I saw a different expression, and was relieved and unintentionally screamed "good".

I immediately put it in the photograph at that time, but I am sorry that I can't show it, but because of the strong form of architecture until then, the strength of that form leads, and I am instructed to understand this architecture like this Sure, it was wonderful and impressed, so I was satisfied, but at that moment, beyond the form, the architecture was assimilated with the surrounding air, the architecture disappeared for a moment, the surrounding nature and If you think of it assimilated, there are no strong forms that follow the rules of nature, and there is an illusion that the form of architecture has become assimilated into that natural form.

It was the beginning of learning such a feeling. I thought it would be good to come here just by tasting this feeling, but it was also an instant.

The strong form of architecture is sometimes criticized as authoritative, and how to weaken it is sometimes an implicit understanding of the design, but maybe there is another possibility for the strength of the form It may be because it is attracted by the strength of the form.


軽井沢にある篠原一男のTanikawa Houseでのお茶会に参加した後、軽井沢千住博美術館に行った。


Tanikawa Houseは、斜面という地形を建築という形式に取り込み、跡形もなく建築化している。だから、建物周りの斜面と連続してはいるものの、土間に立った時に地形を感じることは無い。


Tanikawa Houseは、建築の形式の強度が強く、建築の姿や佇まいが自然と相対している。

軽井沢千住博美術館は、地形を空間化し、建築は輪郭だけ、建築の形式の強度は弱く、建築の姿や佇まいが無く、建築と自然が同化しているが、それを形式と考え、自然と同化できる位に強い形式を有しているとも言えなくもないが、Tanikawa Houseが持つ強い建築形式とは全く真逆の形式なので、両建築を比較した場合は、軽井沢千住博美術館の建築形式の強度は弱いとなるだろう。



"Inclined soil"

After attending a tea party at Tanikawa House by Shinohara Kazuo in Karuizawa, I went to the Karuizawa Senju Museum.

In addition, both architectures have a common point that they have sloping soils that use sloped land as they are, although the times are different. However, the impression I receive is completely different.

Tanikawa House incorporates the terrain of slopes into the form of architecture, and is built without a trace. Therefore, although it is continuous with the slopes around the building, it does not feel the terrain when standing in the dirt.

The Karuizawa Senju Museum of Art seems to make the terrain itself spatial, and because it has a contour that separates the inside and the outside, such as glass and roof, when you stand in the dirt, you can feel that it is a terrain = terrain.

Tanikawa House is strong in the form of architecture, and the appearance and appearance of architecture are relative to nature.

The Karuizawa Senju Museum of Art has spatialized the terrain, the architecture is only outline, the strength of the architectural form is weak, there is no form or appearance of the architecture, the architecture and nature are assimilated, but it is considered as a form, Although it can be said that it has a strong form that can be assimilated, it is completely opposite to the strong architectural form that Tanikawa House has, so when comparing the two architectures, the architectural form of Karuizawa Senju Museum of Art The strength will be weak.

Both are world-class architectures that bring amazing architectural experiences to the touch, but for personal reasons, the strength of the architectural style is strong and the appearance and appearance of the architecture is clearly visible I will be attracted.