Tanikawa House 秋茶会


軽井沢にある篠原一男のTanikawa Houseでのお茶会に参加した。個人の邸宅ということもあり、長らく未公開の建築で、一般公開されたのは竣工以来今回がはじめてらしく、あまり使われていない時期もあり、竣工当時のそのままの姿で現存しているという。

説明によると、Tanikawa Houseとは、1974年、谷川俊太郎氏が一編の詩を建築家篠原一男氏に託して建てられた北軽井沢の別宅、とのこと。









"Tanikawa House Autumn Tea Party"

The architecture shone brilliantly in the forest.

I participated in a tea party at Tanikawa House by Kazuo Shinohara in Karuizawa. It may be a private mansion, and it has been unpublished for a long time, and it has been open to the public since it was first completed, and there are times when it has not been used so much.

According to the explanation, Tanikawa House is a separate house in Kita Karuizawa, built in 1974 by Shuntaro Tanikawa entrusting a single poem to architect Kazuo Shinohara.

The feature of this house is that it is built on a sloping ground and has a sloping soil where the slope appears continuously in the house. The soil is 9m wide from north to south, has a drop of 1.2m, and is covered with volcanic ash. It seems that Shuntaro Tanikawa was supposed to hold various events in the space.

In addition, a thick pillar with a 45-degree cane was placed between them to emphasize its existence.

Also, since the roof starts at an angle of 45 degrees from a height of about 1 m from the ground, it becomes the impression that only the roof is on the slope, all the appearance impression is the roof, the material of the roof is colored silver Because it was a galvanized iron plate, it shone in the woods, and its brightness was slow.

The overall impression is that a silver roof is built on the slope, a thick pillar supports it, the wall partitions the exterior and interior, and the slope is exposed as it is between the indoor soils, emphasizing the structural elements of these buildings As a result, the form of the architecture was strongly launched, and the architecture was in its original form and was majestically settled in nature.

However, it was mysterious, and its strong architectural form made a presence in nature, and it was well adapted to nature.

I don't know why, but I was very attracted to its strong architectural style.

(Photographing on the spot was allowed, but posting of architectural photos on SNS etc. was not possible)








"Process not explained"

As you design, various fragments come to mind.

That piece is really trivial. Haruki Murakami keeps in mind not to explain the fragment, throws it into the container of novels and combines them three-dimensionally, where the combination has nothing to do with public logic or literary idioms It was done and it became a basic scheme.

I didn't really understand that I didn't explain the fragments I received, but I didn't care about the individual meanings of the fragments, the relationship between the fragments was important, and it was completely different by combining the fragments three-dimensionally. I interpreted it as trying to create something meaningful.

It is also possible in architecture, and "not explaining" a fragment is a fragment that comes to mind, for example, the attitude of not responding to it if it is a problem, rather than just answering the issue. By combining the three-dimensionally, you can try to create a new problem with a completely different angle, and if you can create a new problem, you can encounter answers that you have never seen before There is a nature, which leads to new architecture.

I feel like I was given a hint about how to handle the pieces that I received.









"Processing fragments"

As you design, various fragments come to mind.

In addition to the environment of the construction site and the client's request, in this case, it is chewed, it is thought that it is important, it is impressed, it is not understandable, strange, funny, it is summarized separately It is not a translation, it is not a system, and conversely, things that cannot be incorporated well into the design feel floating in fragments, and similar scenes from the past memories are likely to be helpful Other than architecture, such as when visiting a new architecture, the words of a book, the story of an architect, etc., the cuisine of the restaurant you visited, the conversation at that time, different scenes from everyday life when traveling or traveling, memories of childhood, etc. Everything comes out in small pieces.

Most of them seem to have nothing to do with it, it disappears when it floats, and disappears when it floats, but if it says nothing at all, it is not so, and there is some kind of catch Will probably come to mind.

So, depending on your thoughts, this side lacks the ability to process what comes to mind, so it's hard to say that you've missed it.

Strictly speaking, what comes to mind without regard to consciousness on this side will come to mind in response to some consciousness on this side, but it cannot be controlled, so if you control it, Although it is a part of consciousness, people are difficult because it is not so simple that it can be realized only by a single consciousness, and then it will be a strategy, tactics, technology, logic that how to accept what you thought of There will be, but when it comes to logic, I feel that what will be done as a result will be unnatural as something that came out of me, but my language is stranger I don't think I can do it more naturally, or I feel like my creation is more personal, and then I just build what I received.

So, in a nutshell, the natural perception is born from an attitude that separates expertise.













"The reason why it is not good"

If you are having fun making something, what do you think in your mind at that time, you can't make something without something, so there's always something or a clue? It seems to be.

Searching for clues is fun, but suddenly, I need clues.

If you think carefully, if you can't make it without clues, you can make it, whether it's good or bad.

In the first place, if you think in Japan that architecture is simple, you can build a pillar, build a roof, and cover it with walls. It just becomes architecture. Shinto shrines and temples are truly original architectures that are made of that much.

So, that 's not good.

I've always thought about the bad reason, but I can't beat it in front of the original architecture.

It's a problem, because if you were told that you didn't have to do that, you could blow it away.

Actually, there is a client, and after making a presentation after listening to the client's request, explain exactly why this happens in words. It doesn't end in a word, but it just depends on the technique of the presentation, and what I was thinking about now is what to do when building architecture in the first place. Before the request, of course, it is, of course, not a technical thing, but a design theory.

For example, even if you bring the design theory of various architects called modeling, it doesn't matter before the original architecture. If the historical and academic aspects become stronger, a certain persuasive power will appear in the design theory, but there are situations where it is not necessary to separate even the historical and academic aspects. There are more.

So, what I'm thinking about now is that it becomes more biased, and the strength of that bias makes it a base when people make something, whether they want to compete with the original architecture. In other words, we can only emphasize the difference from the original architecture.











Although it seems to be "~", "~ like", or "~ wind" is not "~", it is natural, but it is misunderstood.

For example, you may behave as an "architect" or "behave as an architect", any occupation or title, but because that person is not or does not have that occupation or title, think so. Let 's go.

For example, "Japanese-style" cuisine is a Japanese-flavored dish, not Japanese, and "European-style" dishes are quite about, but they look like French or Italian food. It's not cooking.

The same is true of "Like me" or "Like me".

In the first place, when it becomes "~", "~" or "~", it becomes ambiguous and it is good if you are seeking the ambiguity, but the person who says unexpectedly does not seek that ambiguity, firmly You may be imagining something that is cluttered, but you may not be confident that you don't have words to tell you exactly, or that your head is not clear.

In addition, "~", "~" and "~ wind" are all things that seem to be determined from the outside, such as customary or common sense, and range. It may be useful, but the person itself, or itself, exists separately from it, and it has a separate origin, so if you want to be something inside you don't care I think that's true.

I don't think it's normal, but I usually think of myself as "~" or "~", so I'd like to imagine where it was removed.











"in spite of"

Recently met, from a surprised sentence,

"If you think about it, people can live normally, especially if they don't do self-expression. But nevertheless you want to express something. In such a natural context of "in spite of that", we may be surprised to see our original appearance. ]

A long time ago, Haruki Murakami's "Novel as a profession" was interesting, so it was better to read not only the text but also the person who made something. I've read "What I say when I talk about running" before, but in fact, I've never read a novel by Haruki Murakami and I wasn't interested in it. I didn't read it.

Then, recently, another person told me the same thing, so I started reading and met the first sentence.

If you make it normally, people will be pleased with it alone, thank you, and you can live with it, so I think that there is no such good thing, so you can live naturally, but the person who is making it, I feel unsatisfactory with what I'm finished with, I feel like it's boring, I think "even though", so I want to do something, I want to change something.

You can extract the contents of what you think so that you do not think so. It's a very simple and simple story.

However, if you do too much, you will eventually go in an unnatural direction and begin to do unnatural things. This time, I feel unsatisfactory in doing that very simple and simple thing, and I think that I have to have something of my own expression. Because it thinks that it is connected.

The question "Despite" reminded me that expressing myself was a very simple and simple story.








After the typhoon left, I was able to greet the clear blue sky comfortably the next morning, opened the shutters, inspected the house, and fortunately there was no damage and I was able to return to my normal life. When I think about the victims, my heart hurts, and on Facebook, the joy of rugby and the situation of the damage are reflected alternately, and then I feel that those facts are moving away from me. However, both are real and both are tough, but both extreme events are too much to keep up with reality.

I don't want to be overwhelmed by the fact that the strong typhoon feels that the reality is not catching up, the rain and wind are too severe, but I can't do anything, I just have to endure it. For this reason, this was not a reality, it was a fiction that could only be dealt with if you didn't think you got lost in the movie set.

So, I thought that it would be reset in the blue sky the next morning and forget about the heat if it is too close to my throat, but it will not go so easily, there is a continuation, and I am confused by the damage situation that is different from my situation, That was because I was also exposed to the same typhoon, so I couldn't calm down.

However, I still think what I should do tomorrow and what I have to do, so if I think that it is a willingness to make today and tomorrow different, I'm sure the calmness and feeling of sorrow I decided to take reality as a sign that my brain, body, or mind is trying to digest it.