








I think that each person has a different way of creating. In the case of architecture, there are many people who have their own way of thinking about architecture, and when a project occurs, they take the way of thinking that conforms to the project conditions.

There will be no one who doesn't have any thoughts at all. First of all, after receiving an education in architecture and being influenced by something, my ideas about architecture are nurtured to some extent.

I think each person has different strengths or differences in their way of thinking about the architecture.

There are standard ways to proceed with the project, and it progresses in the order of client requests and conditions, site survey, plan review, basic plan, implementation plan, construction, etc. Infiltrate together. Since the concentration is low, it easily penetrates and there is no resistance. Even if the concentration is low, there is no change in the effect if you hit a fixed amount.

People with a high concentration will apply the project to their own way of thinking about architecture. If the density is not matched well, the project itself will not proceed well, and the project may not flow in the standard way. In that case, if the project is not steered firmly, the results will be affected.

Neither is good or bad, but when you look at the resulting architecture, people with a high concentration will be attracted to it, as it will have distinctive features as architecture.
