






"Selectable state"

What would happen if we tried to create a heterogeneous architecture determined by human activities by means other than variable?

The immediate idea is to use human consciousness, but if you are not careful, you may feel hesitant to be too ideological and hesitate. Even so, designers tend to be ideological. Sometimes thinking about the whole connection only in my head and building it as it is, there are some architectures that are going wrong. I don't think that's a bad thing for a designer, but it requires a bit more work with concrete reality.

If it is not variable, it may be possible to select. Selection involves human activity. Architecture is determined by people's choices, and it becomes a heterogeneous architecture. In that case, you just need to make sure that you can choose the architecture.

The selection does not require the directional activity of at least one flow line, but requires an omnidirectional activity with a plurality of flow lines.

An omnidirectional space with multiple traffic lines can be imagined, and the rest is a compromise with concrete reality.







"Not variable"

As one of the techniques for creating a heterogeneous architecture determined by human activities, there is a technique in which the architecture itself changes in response to human activities. For example, by changing the size of a room with a movable partition, the architecture can be adjusted to the usage at that time.

However, it is certainly that architecture will be heterogeneous, but from another point of view, it is that the architecture is computerized, and there are thoughts to make it good, but like the spirit of architectural design I am interested in things and want to create an architecture that affects the inside of a person, so I can not project the spirituality on the computerized architecture and am not interested.

The architectural trend we have seen so far is the Riedfeld-designed house, which became a World Heritage Site, the Schroeder House. This house is not only a partition, but various things can be changed. However, the feature of this house is multi-colored, and the color of each element such as walls and ceilings is painted differently to enhance the autonomy of each element, which is rather an autonomous architecture that is not affected by human activities I thought that it was the intended result, and felt the possibility of projecting spirituality to the multicolored use, but I could not have any more interest in this house.

Therefore, we are trying to create a heterogeneous architecture that depends on human activities, using a technique other than variable.









"By activity"

Products can be moved, so you can change your perspective by moving them, but you can't move architecture, so you have to move and change your perspective. There is room for human activity as an architectural design, and I think that utilizing this is one of the features of architectural design.

There are two types of human activity, active or passive. Whether the active responds to the willingness of the building to move, or the passive responds to the rules of the activity provided in the building.

From another perspective, architecture consisting of active human activities is heterogeneous in the sense that it depends on human activities, and architecture consisting of passive human activities is not affected by human activities. In a sense, it can be said to be autonomous.

After modernism, autonomous architecture consisting of passive human activities prevailed.

In short, it means that there is architecture first and people adjust to it. For example, it is easy to understand if you think of a hospital. There is a building called a hospital, and the person who wants to consult only needs to move according to the determined route according to the hospital's consulting rules.

When autonomous architecture goes too far, only efficiency becomes important, and as a result, people are left behind. That's why I'm thinking everyday that I can't do other disciplined architecture that depends on people's activities.








"Fragments of Design"

The piece-by-piece design reminds me of postmodern architecture for some reason. He used to be a motif of a historical design when he was a student, and pieced it together in pieces and as decorations. Still, when I was a student, the architecture I was referring to was a modernist one, so every time I saw postmodern architecture, I felt uncomfortable.

The post-modern architecture was reflected in the attitude as if the operation were all in the architectural design, taking the design in a superficial manner. .

When I was a student, I was interested in the spirituality of architectural design, and I was thinking about what kind of architecture would affect the inside of a person. I didn't want to.

It remains the same, but I am interested in splicing fragmented designs. In the first place, design is to connect architecture with people, and people tend to change their spirituality irregularly, because they are not always constant, and the immovable architecture responds to the irregular changes. Then, I think that one possibility is that a piece of stitched design can synchronize with the irregular changes.

However, since it is not a surface treatment of design, design requires a connection or relationship with human spirituality, even if it is fragmentary.









"Expressing intangible things"

Now I am interested in smaller things, which are tangible things, and even shapeless things, which are not already things, but also interest in people's moods, emotions, relationships, etc. I often think about how the absence of something has an effect on things with shape.

If you try to deal with things without form, moods, emotions, relationships, etc. in architecture, it is difficult to directly form itself because there is no information that leads to form itself. By treating it as a continuous connection, I think that it can be treated as a form in architecture.

It is surprisingly easy to describe things without form, moods, feelings, relationships, etc. as words to describe architecture, but I still want to express it as something with form as architecture.

It may still be easier to express things that are smaller than architecture and that can move themselves. Simply put, they can be replaced and easily reshaped, making it easier to reflect mood and emotions. Such a reflection is difficult because architecture does not move and its shape cannot be easily changed.

For that reason, I think it is meaningful to express things without form, moods, emotions, relationships, etc. as architecture and forms.

One is that it doesn't move and its shape doesn't change, but thinking that it may be "looks like" might lead to dealing with shape. Trying to express it as an object.









"Mood in the routine"

In everyday life everybody will have some sort of routine. For example, you call a morning routine and take a fixed action in a certain arrangement from waking up to starting work.

You may do the same thing every day, but you will feel different every day.

Perhaps some of your routines include something that adapts to different moods every day. For example, the cup of coffee you drink every morning changes every day depending on your mood.

In building the architecture, the flow lines and installations are secured in forming the routine. So, if we can respond to the mood that architecture changes every day, and if we can make something change in the repetitive daily routine of the same routine, that is the moment when people and architecture will be linearly connected. I think.

Specifically, something in the architecture changes depending on the mood of the person, and if the person chooses something according to the mood, something in the architecture changes in response to it. It is visible.

I'm trying and trying to find something on the wall now.







"Replacement in progress"

Something that doesn't matter, it's there, it's there, it's something that makes me wonder if I pay attention to it, I've realized that I've never seen or heard, never thought, never thought When I do, I always want to make something that makes people think so.

It is not a strange thing, but I always look at it on a daily basis, but I did not see it consciously, I did not need to see it, but by giving a different meaning and reasoning I want you to think that it is really important that nothing is so irreplaceable.

So, if you look only in the existing framework, you will not notice yourself, you will not be able to tell people unless you first notice, so the seeds are only trivial, familiar, There are times when it has nothing to do with it, but in the end everything can be connected to manufacturing, so there is no example there, build anything from scratch, and as a result you will come out of the framework without permission. I realized that design was the task of replacing it with words that people could understand.

And now, during the replacement work, it is difficult to find a design that people can easily understand. In such a case, return to the beginning and start with the seed.