





"Is it acceptable?"

It's just a story on the desk, but when architecture starts up, things that I'm convinced will sprout. It provides support and backing for the acquired knowledge, and I cannot be convinced that it does not exist.

However, that conviction is still an extension of what you have seen or experienced somewhere, so it is only a conviction from a sense of security that you are on that extension.

People come up with the idea that there is no context at all, but they will be able to put it into their existing connections, so their initial ideas will be reborn.

The skill may be good, but the fun of thinking that there is no context disappears. Surprisingly, this pleasure creates something new, not a reincarnation, but a driving force. So, if you take it as it is, it will be a new thing that is far from the connection, but it is not clear whether it will be accepted.









"Like a person"

So I decided to think about what kind of building I wanted to stand up to.

It is not a story that is inferred from the client's request, etc. If an architecture stands in that place, what kind of architecture it wants to be like, as if it is a person, the contact side is gentle .

There are a lot of things you can think of, and a lot of things you want to do.However, it becomes an abstract expression that it can be realized as an architecture, that it is not well-formed, or that it fits nicely. But, I don't want to be too overkill or just thinking ahead, so that things don't get cohesive.

I guess what I want to do is whether it's easy, my shoulders are loose, or it's inevitable, appropriate, and harmonious.

But it's certainly not the kind of architecture that we've ever done, and we don't want it.

I think it's a good idea to get away from yourself and see it objectively, as if you were like a person.





だから、建築の中にある物、全てに興味があり、家具、食器やカトラリー 、調理道具などなど、それらも建築の範疇だと考えている。



"Various collections"

Just as the wall plays the role of a lever, the story of Haruki Murakami's "Lever" will not be left out of my mind.

I think that if the appearance changes depending on the people in the space, it will be a good thing in the relationship between people and architecture, and if that also depends on the mood of the person, if something acts and the appearance changes Good, leverage the walls, get the driving force of mood and amplify the architecture.

If you think so, the space is made up of various things, but since long ago when you started studying architecture, the space has substance, but you can not see it with your eyes, you can only feel For some reason, I thought that it was impossible, like an air, and I realized again that I was not interested in the space itself, and that I was interested in the state that various things gathered together.

Therefore, I am interested in everything in the architecture, including furniture, tableware, cutlery, cooking utensils, etc., and consider them to be in the category of architecture.

However, for example, if it is a house, there is always a feeling of how much you can be involved in the relationship that there is a resident, a designer, aside from your own residence, and you want to control everything, There was also the idea that something unexpected was boring because nothing unexpected happened, and what to do with it was one of the always central ideas in design.









I have been looking at architecture since I was a student, and while my own standards of good architecture are being made both intuitively and intuitively, different architectures are in my consciousness. However, it is not easy to judge a good architecture as it is when compared to your own standards.

I think that my interest in architecture has shifted slightly from before. There is a relationship between people and architecture first, it is very trivial, everyday, it can happen anywhere, the result of thinking first about building that relationship and developing it As a whole, construction is completed.

At first, there is no architecture, but only the relationship with people.If the thing that builds the relationship with people is something other than architecture, as a result of developing it, Beyond architecture.

The architecture we have seen so far is very strong as an architecture or as a building alone, and has the power to regulate everything that can be realized only by architecture. It was fascinating and fascinating and laid the foundation for setting your own standards.

However, in architecture, if people enter the space and activities are developed, it will become the original form as architecture, where only the relationship between people and architecture is important, As a result, the appearance of architecture as a whole is no longer the only one, and it does not have to be one. I thought it would be more interesting.









Haruki Murakami's "Fictionalist as an Occupation" is often thought of as a creative attitude, but the expression "leverage" appears twice.

"Through the 'head' between the original form and the new form arising from it, we try to leverage the dynamism of the head like a lever and speak something."

"One purpose was to launch and expand the novel world with the fictional" me "as the leverage point."

Haruki Murakami seems to think that something is needed to play a role in creation. Leverage is what transforms a small force into a great force, and amplifies the elementary one, which, in other words, may be a "work of art".

Leverage leverage to turn anything but everyday events into novels. How to use the lever is the ability of the author.








"One who does not analyze"

As soft as possible, try to catch it at first, and it is not fun to see analytically, and I do not want to make it analytically, so I do not know why it is so, I think that it is good to add it later ing.

It's not about analysis, but about finding ideas and thinking about images, not about doing analysis. The sensation of whether or not it will come nicely.

So, it is surprisingly unfounded, and if you do, you will want to analyze it later if you are not confident. Then you can understand in your head. That's fine for those who want to make such things, but those things don't resonate and don't leave an impression.

However, sometimes it is not analytical at all, but sometimes it is developing analytically on its own, but rather than analytical, it is a self-assured assumption to try and error something. It is just organizing.

Well, a bit, inconsistent and missing, something that looks more attractive.







"Madoshy generation"

When simplified to the utmost extent, the discarded parts are abundant, complex, and interesting. It is a part that has been abandoned after simplification, and I am not interested in things that are rich and complex from the beginning.

In short, the abundant and complex parts that are discarded become more sophisticated when they are discarded, cutting off the excess.

I feel that this seemingly sloppy way of generation fits in with architecture. In three dimensions, you can actually enter the interior and experience it.Because the architecture, which is an expression, has a large surface in contact with people and a long time, various exchanges between people and architecture Is possible.

Therefore, it is possible to spread something deeply from architecture to humans, and at that time it is possible to go through a number of stages, depending on the relationship between the novel and the reader. It may be similar.