





"Swaying Architecture"

Work at home, every day at home, just connected to the outside world by various means, SNS, Skype, people who have never used but will be connected by ZOOM, even if you are not in front of you, for the time being Because you can communicate, you can become a connected feeling, there is no physical sensation, because the human brain is excellent, so if you listen to the ZOOM drinking party, you will hear the missing parts that will supplement you, It looks like it's fun, and unexpectedly, I think it's not much different from drinking at a pub.

If it can be said that this is connected to society, the place where there is a connected person, that is, the architecture where the person is, is an architecture open to society. Surely, architecture is now sheltering and should be in a state of defense against society, but people can connect with society regardless of such things.

When thinking about modern architecture, whether architecture is open or closed to society and citizens is a fundamental issue, especially if you think that architecture contributes to society and citizens, It is natural that it is open, but in reality, I think from the recent situation that I am thinking so inappropriate that thinking about such a thing is meaningless itself .

It seems the time has come for the architecture to shake from the ground up, just as it did at the burst of the bubble, 9/11, 3/11.
