




ところで、今のこの状況、Stay Homeが何か建築に影響を与えるのだろうか。素直に考えれば、家にいることに関心が出て、家自体に注目が集まるはずなのだが、どうもそうではなくて、むしろ家にずっといてストレスが溜まると、それはまるで会社にいるように、だから、何か対策をしないといけない、例えば、読書をしてみては、お料理なんかはどうですかと、それは個人的には大賛成で、今までしてこなかったことを新たにはじめるのは素晴らしいことなのだが、もっと根本的に家の問題、住宅の問題として考えたい。そして、新型コロナ対応でいうところの空気が綺麗になったような結果を出したい。


"Make sure the air is clean in architecture"

I didn't have hay fever this year. To be precise, when the new Corona turmoil was still quiet, I got itchy eyes as usual in the beginning of February and purchased eye drops as usual, but the new Corona was very popular in neighboring countries and the city blockade was If it was done, it would not itch at all, and I forgot about hay fever all the time, and it was not the case with the new corona, so it may be because it was not allergic to cedar pollen, but air pollution. The clean air thanks to the new Corona.

Take advantage of where humans are weak. I just need to keep it in my house, but then I am suffocating and attach to weaknesses I can't stand. It tries to spread by making good use of human psychology to the extent that it is really unpleasant.

Somehow the new Corona is at the mercy. While receiving the unexpected benefit of clean air, on the other hand, I felt the fear that some people would die, and I was exposed to an unprecedented swing range, and human beings could not respond to this swing range at all, If you think you've caught up, it feels like you're mutated.

All of them seem to be used well in distorted places, fragile places, vulnerable places, and excessive places of people who run society, and they can only respond ad hocly, and that is why the new Corona is still good. I can't help it because I don't know, but when I look back later, as if the air didn't become hay fever and the air became clean, I want to say that it's getting better now because I have that time.

By the way, will this situation, Stay Home, have any impact on architecture? To be honest, I should be interested in staying at home and paying attention to the house itself, but that's not the case, and if you stay at home and get stressed, it's just like being at a company. , I have to do something, for example, reading, how about cooking? I personally agree with it, and it's great to start something new that I haven't done before. However, I would like to think more fundamentally as a home issue and a housing issue. And I would like to get the result that the air in the new Corona is clean.
