





"First, go to the classic road"

The size limit of a building is determined by the size of the site. Large buildings are built on large sites, and small buildings are built on narrow sites. That is obvious, but this is the only meaning of the difference in the size of the building, and the difference in size does not indicate the superiority or inferiority of the building itself.

No matter where you build it, in the city, in the suburbs, in the rural areas, or near mountains or the sea, it just means you choose where to build the building, and the building itself The superiority or inferiority is not decided.

Whether or not there is a budget to build a building, but the result is a building, but without a budget, there is no direct relation to the superiority or inferiority of the building itself.

By unraveling each one in this way, there are still many things to unravel, but a royal road for clients, a classic building will emerge.

