






"Semi-autonomous and semi-heteronomy architecture"

A long time ago, I saw the architecture of Alvar Aalto about 20 years ago. It was a fascinating modernist architecture in a very beautiful country in Northern Europe Finland.

In the heyday of film cameras, digital cameras began to appear, and I released a lot of shutters with only very good-looking architecture, but at that moment I stopped moving and it was a waste to look away from the architecture in front of me.

In a space that combines the shape and texture of Finnish nature as if it were projected, and the neatness of modernism, you can't stay still, and you can feel the space with your body by moving around. I tried to understand.

There are many words that describe Aalto's architecture, but like the wilderness of Finland, I think that I can not understand anything or put it into words without first experiencing it, and Aalto's architecture evokes human activity. It seems like in the woods, how to insert light and how to use materials is such a mechanism, and by walking around you can understand the parts that are not expressed in Aalto's architectural photographs. I thought it might be.

Modernist architecture immediately has the image of autonomous architecture, but Aalto's architecture is like a semi-autonomous semi-heteronomy in which the appearance changes depending on the perception of human beings, which is a combination of natural and artificial concepts. It was architecture.
