





"Beginning to consider how windows look different on walls"

Looking at the windows of the tea room "Machian" by Senrihisa, I thought that "windows look different from the walls", so I will try to apply them to the actual design.

For example, there is a technique called inlay. It is to put a transparent substance such as glass or acrylic in the wall, but it looks like a transparent part is created in the wall and it is a finish of one wall, but in the aspect that "windows look different from the wall" Absent. I want more windows.

Considering the materials and construction methods of the windows of Machian, they are made from the same materials and construction methods as the walls, and it seems that they appeared as a result of reaching a different route in the process of making the walls. If you do something different on the way while making a wall, it will appear as a window.

When I reconsider the appearance of walls and windows from the materials and construction methods, I feel that there is a possibility that "windows look different from walls".

