




"Make the wall thicker"

A window is called an opening. A window does not mean that people come and go from there, but it is for looking at the outside from the inside, and the opening means the part that is open to the closed thing called the wall, and people In that sense, an opening is a general term for a part that is open to a wall, and is a superordinate concept of a window. However, the opening does not exist first, but there is a wall first, and the opening is created by hollowing out the wall.

In addition to openings, walls have the potential to connect boundaries, sound-heat environments, structures, equipment, and even people-to-people, people-to-spaces, and in early sketches all elements, all. Often draws a wall with a single line, including possibilities.

At this early sketching stage, I decided to stop drawing the wall with a single line and try to make the line thicker. Drawing a wall with a single line means not paying attention to all the elements and possibilities of the wall, and I thought that by making it thicker, I could be more aware of the connection with the space.
