



"What I saw somewhere"

When you think about "how you want it to look," the shapes and colors come to mind first. At that time, the image comes out first, rather than the reason, rather than the words. However, the image at that time is like what I saw somewhere. Perhaps it's because when you think about what you want to look like, you think of the moment you're looking at something.

Therefore, when you think about "how you want to look", all of them have a sense of déjà vu.






"Beyond the border"

I wondered what kind of architecture would affect beyond the boundary of the site. Encounter a stunning architecture. I'm walking, driving a car, riding a train, and encountering something different in appearance. At that point it is affected.

It may just look like it. You can see it from a distance or from a distance. Then, because it looks like, if you turn to the creator side, it will be "how you want to look".






"No discomfort"

I wonder if it would be possible to create an architecture that has been there for a long time. The scenery changes due to the elevated railway, but isn't it possible to make the body look like it has been there for a long time without changing the architecture?

It's not just about looking like an old-fashioned, historic building, it's rather easy, and you can manage to use haribote architecture such as lands or aged materials, which has been around for a long time. In order to have a body that looks like it is, there is no sense of discomfort in the appearance, and in order to eliminate the sense of discomfort, it is necessary to respond to changes in the context of the surrounding environment, or to create an architecture that forms the context itself.






"Relationship between autism and surroundings"

Assuming that the site is surrounded by a high wall and is cut off from the surrounding environment, I was thinking of a self-closing building. Autism is to think of your own site environment and interior space as a context and plan for it.

However, there was nothing to block, and I could see for a long time. The situation is exactly the opposite of what was expected. Should the exact opposite be the exact opposite of autism? I had no choice but to do so in a self-closing architecture, but I felt the possibility of something like a way to adjust the relationship with the surrounding environment while closing it.






"Accumulating the flow of time"

If you know what the final situation will be in response to changes in the surrounding environment, it is a common practice to plan for the final state, but then it is a building that focuses on one point. It becomes an architecture that does not have the width of time to the future including the present.

Considering the plan after the change based on the plan before the change of the surrounding environment, the passage of time is accumulated in the architecture, and it will correspond exactly to the context of the surrounding environment.






"Imperfect beauty"

I think there is also imperfect "beauty". When one feels beauty, one feels beauty when one feels perfect, according to one's standards of perfection. It demands sublime from beauty, and believes that "beauty" resides only in perfection.

However, there will be "beauty" on the way from imperfect to complete, or "beauty" when it goes from perfect to imperfect. Both may be different from the beauty of perfection, but one should be able to use his imagination to supplement what is missing or missing and feel "beauty". ..








"Easy to understand and incomplete"

The easiest clue when considering an architecture that can be established in a closed space in a closed environment is to make it the "function" required in that space. Requests in the space and movements of people appear in the function, so if you replace the function with a plan, it will be an architecture for the time being.

The architecture will be very easy to understand. "Easy to understand" is a compliment. Incomprehensible architecture makes people stop thinking. If it is an architecture for people to use, it should be easy to understand.

Everyone should be aware that "easy to understand" is not enough. "Easy to understand" is probably not the most important thing that people want from architecture.

In a word, it is "beauty". I want you to be attracted to beauty. Beauty comes with perfection. This is awkward and makes me want to create an architecture with imperfections that deny perfection.
