




"Is it liked or disliked?"

If you can make a connection, your emotions will surely be shaken. Everyone, children and adults, wants to express their emotions. It doesn't matter that there is no connection. If it doesn't matter, I have no interest and no emotions. However, it is not always a positive emotion, and there are cases where negative emotions arise, but even so, the emotions still swing, the swing width is important, and the magnitude of the swing width is the degree of impression. Is proportional to.

If you want to easily leave a strong impression, it may be better to dislike it and elicit negative emotions than to be liked by the first impression. What you do is different for each person, but what you do is generally the same.

Even so, if possible, I would like to leave a deep impression by being liked, and if possible, I would think that it would be for a large number of people, but it is impossible as it is, because what you like is different for each person. Yet architecture is going to be liked by a lot of people. If so, you can think of a moderate thing that connects the design with what people like, but in many cases it is only suitable for either being liked or disliked.
