






"Diversified states"

Being able to leave a complex thing complicated means that it is allowed to exist at the same time, and in other words, diversity is recognized.

A variety of states, when viewed from a bird's-eye view, only the difference is a state where only the difference is random, the difference is characteristic, the difference is valuable, and the difference may be expressed The situation is ready.

Therefore, in various states, the difference is determined by superiority or inferiority, so the original origin disappears. Actually, the origin is important because it is based on the origin, but the origin is important, but in various situations, the difference is focused on and the relationship disappears because the origin is invisible.

The simple state is the opposite, the difference is rather superfluous, the superiority and inferiority are determined by the origin, and the difference is irrelevant. In the first place, simple states are not considered simple unless they are all visible, so when focusing on differences, they become too complex to be fully visualized. Group and judge superiority or inferiority because it is easier, easier to understand, and easier to manage.

It may be either a variety of situations or a simple situation, but people who are making things are in a variety of situations because the difference is worth the creativity or the ingenuity I think it will be interesting to you, but not surprisingly.
