










"Previous things"

It seems a bit old-fashioned to divide things into things and things, but if you are directly involved in manufacturing, you will confuse things and things and reverse them.

I always touch things directly, so I'm curious about the state and value of things. There is an illusion that everything is better if things are better, such as things of better quality and things in better condition.

Then, after the order of thinking about things, there is things first, things first, and things are assembled to make use of those things.

When creating something, the degree of freedom is higher when things come first than things, the more freedom, the more you can play thinking when you create, and the possibility of creating new things as a result Rise.

For example, when making a dish, thinking from the thing is thinking from the ingredients, thinking from the menu is thinking from the menu.

When thinking from the ingredients, of course, consider the dishes that are mainly made from the ingredients, and consider the menu structure. Some dishes cannot be made depending on the ingredients, which also affects the menu structure.

When you think from the menu, you can think about the food you want to make and the food you want to eat, and choose food according to it, so there are no dishes that cannot be made, and there are no restrictions on the menu structure. If you want good things, you can decide what you want to cook and then look for good ingredients.

If you want to realize what you want to cook and what you want to eat now, you can think more from the menu.

Even though it is natural, people who make things have a tendency to be prejudiced towards things, so they are conscious of things themselves, and the possibility of narrowing the possibilities is also conscious of the strategy from things If it is done, it is good, but otherwise it will not be realized.
