





"Dislike favorite things"

I hate the shape, but I think it would be nice to change the size and scale, or I don't like the shape, but some of the shape is good, and that helps me, and I think it's good.

In the fight against greed, the act of thinking and thinking about what is good for me while searching for it may be the best way to learn design.

There are few shapes and things that I think are perfect other than my own, and even if I try to create my own, I may not be able to reach the perfect shape due to constraints or lack of understanding, but given the knowledge and hearing I do not want to judge the superiority, so I have to do trial and error myself, if I do not make it obvious or sometimes from the beginning, it will be time-consuming and troublesome, but otherwise I feel like I can fight even if I am not do not do.

If I thought about it for a day, I made a reservation at the dentist, but the scale of good and bad things changes, and I just noticed a slight difference in viewpoint and noticed it, I like things I dislike It seems to be.
