







"Keeping trust with social distance"

Unfamiliar words such as social distance and distance have become commonplace. I'll see later if such a simple thing was really effective against viruses, but I also made an ad hoc response that it would be better not to come close to something strange. I think it's better to put safety first, but such a simple way to deal with distance has changed everything.

It turns out that there is almost nothing you can do without meeting people, and even if you take a distance, you can't do it unless you can reach it. Nor.

It would be good if I could remote or deliver it to the virus that blocks the activity and play with the psychology to the extent that it seems to be unpleasant, but of course there is no way I can do without meeting people directly.

I can't hear. The purpose of the hearing is not to listen to the other person's story, not to understand the other person's situation, not to share the other person's information, they are all interviews, even if you do not meet directly or remotely. You can do it with documents.

The true purpose of hearings is to build trust with the other person. For that purpose, it will be necessary to enter the distance where the droplets are splashed and the personal distance.

It is the most scary and problematic thing that a virus takes a person's life, and I avoided it by all means, but the same fear and problem is that the relationship is broken without building a trust relationship with a person, rather here May be more difficult to deal with, in situations where you maintain a social distance. And it will act like a body blow in various scenes of society. Therefore, no matter what kind of situation, you have to be careful not to lose trust.







ところで、今のこの状況、Stay Homeが何か建築に影響を与えるのだろうか。素直に考えれば、家にいることに関心が出て、家自体に注目が集まるはずなのだが、どうもそうではなくて、むしろ家にずっといてストレスが溜まると、それはまるで会社にいるように、だから、何か対策をしないといけない、例えば、読書をしてみては、お料理なんかはどうですかと、それは個人的には大賛成で、今までしてこなかったことを新たにはじめるのは素晴らしいことなのだが、もっと根本的に家の問題、住宅の問題として考えたい。そして、新型コロナ対応でいうところの空気が綺麗になったような結果を出したい。


"Make sure the air is clean in architecture"

I didn't have hay fever this year. To be precise, when the new Corona turmoil was still quiet, I got itchy eyes as usual in the beginning of February and purchased eye drops as usual, but the new Corona was very popular in neighboring countries and the city blockade was If it was done, it would not itch at all, and I forgot about hay fever all the time, and it was not the case with the new corona, so it may be because it was not allergic to cedar pollen, but air pollution. The clean air thanks to the new Corona.

Take advantage of where humans are weak. I just need to keep it in my house, but then I am suffocating and attach to weaknesses I can't stand. It tries to spread by making good use of human psychology to the extent that it is really unpleasant.

Somehow the new Corona is at the mercy. While receiving the unexpected benefit of clean air, on the other hand, I felt the fear that some people would die, and I was exposed to an unprecedented swing range, and human beings could not respond to this swing range at all, If you think you've caught up, it feels like you're mutated.

All of them seem to be used well in distorted places, fragile places, vulnerable places, and excessive places of people who run society, and they can only respond ad hocly, and that is why the new Corona is still good. I can't help it because I don't know, but when I look back later, as if the air didn't become hay fever and the air became clean, I want to say that it's getting better now because I have that time.

By the way, will this situation, Stay Home, have any impact on architecture? To be honest, I should be interested in staying at home and paying attention to the house itself, but that's not the case, and if you stay at home and get stressed, it's just like being at a company. , I have to do something, for example, reading, how about cooking? I personally agree with it, and it's great to start something new that I haven't done before. However, I would like to think more fundamentally as a home issue and a housing issue. And I would like to get the result that the air in the new Corona is clean.








"What you need for aftercorona is your national language ability"

If the current situation continues for a long time, and if we end it early and cannot live a similar daily life, the relationships and relationships between people will change.

Everyone is aware that they are still unfamiliar with remote work, and it is permissible to supplement the unfamiliarity with conventional SNS and email, but in the future more words and characters will be communicated than now. Will become important.

In ordinary communication, in addition to words, we try to convey something by taking into account changes in facial expressions, feeling of voice, atmosphere, etc., but until 5G becomes commonplace, we can remotely communicate in detail to the other party in real time. It is difficult to convey the differences in facial expressions, voices, and moods except for, and it becomes necessary to convey everything with only words and letters.

In that case, the national language ability is asked. Without Japanese language ability, it is not possible to express the part that can be added by the difference in facial expression, voice, and mood only with words and letters. I think there are many people who do not go out and read at home, but it is also the training of the after-corona Japanese language.










"All architecture can be expressed in words"

When I was little, even before I went to kindergarten, the playground was a construction site. I was playing with the light tiger, sticking after the carpenter's father, within the sight of the father who was on the light tiger and had a meeting at the scene. I scattered the sawdust, picked up scraps of the tree and made it like a building block. Naturally, there were blades at the site, so I never approached the fleas because it was dangerous. I think it was a hindrance to the carpenter on site. It's playground equipment for me, but it's a playground for children that I don't think about now.

Therefore, the experience of architecture at that time is remembered in my body, so the beginning of architecture for me was not always logic but sense.

First of all, there is an impression, a way of seeing, and a feeling that I have received from an architectural sense, and then I should explain the feeling that I received to myself. Trying to replace it and try to understand architecture.

Therefore, I think that it is possible to express and explain everything about architecture, everything from design to detail by words.

It may be called a sense, but it can be rephrased as a passion, but it is necessary to use logic to build a real work by relying on passion from the place where there is nothing in the architecture, and to use that logic to make words, If it is not shown unambiguously, it cannot be communicated to anyone, cannot be explained, and cannot be persuaded.

Therefore, architecture can be expressed in words.








"I have to find a word that changes to a shelter in design"

If you stay in your house for a long time, and you realize that there is a safe zone only where you are now, the image of your own home will gradually change.

It might be better to reset everything after corona once. I didn't want to think of a shelter, but I couldn't help thinking of my house as a shelter.

I used to think that safety as a shelter was commonplace, because it is my own home. But if you can't go out further, being safe is the only absolute requirement for your home.

As a creator, I definitely want to avoid it. I don't have illusions or hopes in my house, and I don't want to make things that bring out such emotions to the forefront, but in the after-corona, I can't convince anyone in the design unless I find a word that turns into a shelter. I think about it.









"The balance between architectural quality and various conditions is 7: 3"

In order for an architecture to be established as an architecture, it is necessary to meet the architectural characteristics and various conditions. Architectural property refers to trends and social trends such as historical accumulation and historical background, social trends, philosophical thinking, aesthetic perspectives, etc., and various conditions include the request of the owner, budget, laws, conditions of the site and surrounding environment. And so on.

If the architecture is only to be established as a business, it is enough to satisfy the various conditions, but it is just a building, and to sublimate the building into the architecture requires architectability. The balance of conditions becomes important.

Then, how should we balance the architectural property and various conditions? Consider the ratio as a ratio, and the architectural property is 7, and the various conditions are 3.

So why is that ratio? The reason why the architectural property is increased compared to the various conditions is that the superiority or inferiority of the architectural condition is not influenced by the goodness and badness of the various conditions. There are good and bad conditions. There is no way to have a budget and the environment is bad, and it is difficult to change it later.

But, in an extreme way, architectural qualities do not matter. It is up to the designer to decide what kind of architectivity to face with the architect. Therefore, it is more likely that good architects will be able to build architects, and the good and bad conditions will be improved. You can also use it.









"If there is no architectural property, it is just a building"

All the buildings are made up of only the conditions. Architecturality must be required for architecture to exist at that time, but it is missing or ignored from the beginning. It can be said that the terms are prioritized, even though it may be rephrased as businessability, and it is no exaggeration to say that only economic efficiency is a criterion.

Then, whether the architectural design belongs to the various conditions or the architectural property, which should be the architectural property originally, but there is the current situation that it is included in the various conditions.

In order to decide the architectural design at that time, how to handle what is handled and how to deal with the complicatedness of architectural characteristics such as historical accumulation and trend of the times, social trends, philosophical thinking, aesthetic perspective, etc. The designer thinks whether to make a judgment and reflects it in the architectural design, but in the first place there is no architectural property or it is ignored, there is only an act of architectural design, so an architectural design without architectural property is It belongs to various conditions. Therefore, there are a lot of architectures such as love ho, though to varying degrees.

The reason why it is easy to understand that human beings need to be built to build a building even if it isn't necessary is similar to humanity. When it comes to humans, it refers to the general quantitative person in society, so anyone can do it, but when humanity is added to it, it becomes a person with a specific personality.

In other words, if there is no architectural property, it is the same as any other building that is ubiquitous, and it does not reflect the individuality of the owner who uses the building and cannot be satisfied. That is why architecture is needed.
