





"Architecture without architecture is not architecture"

Architecture is based on the balance between space and objects, but from another perspective, it can be said that it is based on the balance between architectural properties and various conditions.

If the balance of space and things is about the architecture itself, the balance of architecturalness and conditions is about the existence of architecture.

The various conditions include the owner's request, budget, laws, site conditions, surrounding environment conditions, etc., which are necessary for the construction to be successful as a business. On the other hand, architectural property is required for the construction of the historical accumulation of buildings, social trends, philosophical thoughts, aesthetic perspectives, historical backgrounds, etc. to be established at that time.

However, most of the architecture has no architectural properties, and only the architecture that exists only under various conditions. It cannot be said that it is architecture, it is just a building, and I think that it will not impress the owner.










"Architecture is a balance between space and things, not logic but logic"

The beginning of construction is always from the owner, and there is a request from the owner first, and it is the minimum to satisfy that request.

By the way, space was an invention of the 20th century, and until then architecture was only as a thing, but the view of space was added to it.

If it is a thing, it will face people, but if it is a space, people will be included. You can put the architecture outside yourself and be aware of the existence of the thing as a whole, but you cannot put yourself in the space and grasp everything. I was able to give a consciousness to only one person, and to have a viewpoint to be conscious of architecture.

The owner's request is often related to space. In my daily life, most of my time is spent putting myself in space, so it is often a request that only considers certain fragments. Therefore, the owner's request can often be solved by managing the space.

Therefore, since the building as a thing is not noticed by the owner, it seems that a house for sale can be established in the market, or a hobby can be built.

However, architecture is a balance between things and space, and there is logic in both, and in order to build a pleasant daily life, it is necessary to tailor requests to architecture in a well-balanced manner, and there is also logic there. Yes, that is not a sense.



毎日毎日、壁を見て暮らしているような感じがする。普段から在宅ワークだが、今までこんなに壁を意識したことは無い。Stay Homeだからか、このような状況だからだろうか、外との境界である壁を妙に意識してしまう。






"I saw the walls every day, and noticed the architectural gap"

Every day, I feel like I am living by looking at the walls. I usually work from home, but I have never been so conscious of walls. Perhaps because it's Stay Home or this situation, I strangely think about the wall that is the boundary with the outside.

I feel relieved just because there is a wall there, but when the sun rises or the sunset comes in, it makes me feel better, that is where the wall is, how big the window is, It can be said that a part of the wall, the wall affects the mood.

Up until now, it is possible to calculate from the position of the sun and the surrounding environment how much time the sun will shine into the room, so if you open a window here, you will be able to immerse yourself in pleasant light. The idea was to design the amount of light coming in and think that the rest of the people would feel comfortable.

It was only a way of designing a way to take in light, not a direct design of the comfort of the people there. And I noticed that I was living by looking at the wall every day.

There is a wall, there is a window there, it connects to the outside only, and the light that comes in is naturally pleasant, it was not enough, it was not a design of a way to catch the mood of a person I needed an architectural design that could be reflected in.









"Wearing a spring coat next year outside the architecture"

I didn't have the chance to wear the spring coat I bought, so I thought that I would wear it with a mask in the first place, even though I'm not saying that.

Surprisingly, I don't want to go out even if I stay home for a long time, and thanks to that, I can get the job done at hand and the path ahead.

How do you feel when you are inside the house? The wall that I'm looking at for a long time is the range where I can act now, that is all the world I can feel now, that is, architecture = my world. This will be the only time now, when this situation is over, you should be able to unleash yourself out of the wall and infinitely expand your world as before.

However, the meaning of architecture will change for me, which is not the same as before. Once architecture limits your world, you cannot do the same as before. Once again, I am grateful for the fact that architecture protects ourselves as a shelter, but at the same time, architecture is not a shelter. , It is required to find out alternative words for shelter and to directly present the daily life and feelings, as to what kind of feelings the person should have.

And I'm sure I'm wearing a spring coat next year with a different feeling.








"Architecture after passing"

I'll always pass by someday, so I'm thinking about what I've done after I've been staying in my house. Also, I wonder if there will be the same everyday as usual, but maybe it will not be the same as before, and I can not say that it will not be the same next year.

Some will be reset, others will reset themselves to take defensive posture. It may be a good opportunity, but it's not a bad time to change something, because almost all functions are stopped, so if you change it at the timing of restarting, it is easy to do anything.

There are also updates. However, it will be enforced at the very least, because of various things from society, it cannot be said that it is the same as before, and it is necessary to prevent the same situation.

It will change for architecture. It wouldn't be strange if the idea of ​​architecture was reset, but at least the old logic would no longer work. In the first place, the architecture desired by society will change, and since it is closely related to the economy, after-corona architecture will be affected by the economic downturn after passing, although it is unknown whether it is temporary or not. At that time, the position of the building in the society is questioned, because it has undergone the bubble burst, so no, it may be possible to correct the trajectory of the building after the bubble burst, and another aspect of the building is important. Like the opening and closing of buildings after the collapse of the bubble, which may come to be.








"Swaying Architecture"

Work at home, every day at home, just connected to the outside world by various means, SNS, Skype, people who have never used but will be connected by ZOOM, even if you are not in front of you, for the time being Because you can communicate, you can become a connected feeling, there is no physical sensation, because the human brain is excellent, so if you listen to the ZOOM drinking party, you will hear the missing parts that will supplement you, It looks like it's fun, and unexpectedly, I think it's not much different from drinking at a pub.

If it can be said that this is connected to society, the place where there is a connected person, that is, the architecture where the person is, is an architecture open to society. Surely, architecture is now sheltering and should be in a state of defense against society, but people can connect with society regardless of such things.

When thinking about modern architecture, whether architecture is open or closed to society and citizens is a fundamental issue, especially if you think that architecture contributes to society and citizens, It is natural that it is open, but in reality, I think from the recent situation that I am thinking so inappropriate that thinking about such a thing is meaningless itself .

It seems the time has come for the architecture to shake from the ground up, just as it did at the burst of the bubble, 9/11, 3/11.









"Close architecture"

If you're going to be at home all the time, you don't have to go outside for at least two weeks, and King Kaz seems to be using it with their family using the word `` personal lockdown, '' So, it is unlikely that there will be such an opportunity in the future, and of course I have never experienced it, so I will not go out halfway, personal lockdown, what kind of change will happen to me by staying at home all the time Want to see, is it stressful or can it be updated?

If you live in a hotel for a long time, it may be stressful, but it is comfortable because you are at home, and since you work at home from the beginning, there is no change, and by leaving it out all the time, I would like to think about these effects architecturally, and it would have been a valuable experience later.

After the collapse of the bubble and the economic downturn, architects have suddenly started working on public buildings. Since public buildings belong to citizens, they must be open to citizens, and this is true for architecture in general, and architecture is gradually becoming open to society and citizens. , That became the norm.

However, due to the influence of this new corona, the building is now required to be closed. In the sense of avoiding enclosed spaces, if people are present, they must be physically opened for ventilation, but until then the architecture has been closed to stop the flow of people and economic activities and to prevent infection. , It closed for physical and mental security.

Although it may be temporary, the architecture, which had been open all the time, was closed all at once as society required it to be closed. Is the relationship between architecture and society, or the relationship between architecture and citizens, easily reversed in this way? While staying in a house, will it continue to open in the same way in this situation, or will it make sense to open it? Consider
