






"Close architecture"

If you're going to be at home all the time, you don't have to go outside for at least two weeks, and King Kaz seems to be using it with their family using the word `` personal lockdown, '' So, it is unlikely that there will be such an opportunity in the future, and of course I have never experienced it, so I will not go out halfway, personal lockdown, what kind of change will happen to me by staying at home all the time Want to see, is it stressful or can it be updated?

If you live in a hotel for a long time, it may be stressful, but it is comfortable because you are at home, and since you work at home from the beginning, there is no change, and by leaving it out all the time, I would like to think about these effects architecturally, and it would have been a valuable experience later.

After the collapse of the bubble and the economic downturn, architects have suddenly started working on public buildings. Since public buildings belong to citizens, they must be open to citizens, and this is true for architecture in general, and architecture is gradually becoming open to society and citizens. , That became the norm.

However, due to the influence of this new corona, the building is now required to be closed. In the sense of avoiding enclosed spaces, if people are present, they must be physically opened for ventilation, but until then the architecture has been closed to stop the flow of people and economic activities and to prevent infection. , It closed for physical and mental security.

Although it may be temporary, the architecture, which had been open all the time, was closed all at once as society required it to be closed. Is the relationship between architecture and society, or the relationship between architecture and citizens, easily reversed in this way? While staying in a house, will it continue to open in the same way in this situation, or will it make sense to open it? Consider

