







I suddenly remembered the habit of "shoganaea". My parents were from eastern Chiba, and my father's parents' home is still there, and my aunt often said that.

A gentle aunt always adds "Shoganeea" at the end of a conversation and tells her to throw it away. When I have a normal conversation, I end up with that habit when I can't help myself, what I can't do at all, or when it becomes impossible.

Looking at only the words in a word gives the negative impression of giving up, but when I actually hear the words as a voice, it feels comfortable and healed for some reason.

Don't overdo things you can't do without saying anything, let go, let go, and just do what you can. I have lived such a comfortable life in the country all the time, and I hear the tone of voice that only people who have overcome anything can hear, and sometimes I unconsciously say "I don't know."

However, it is tempting to imitate the strength of switching over with just one word, because it feels supple enough that people living in the city can't get it.

