




"Fit the movement of people"

In order to create a difference in concentration where dynamic and static are mixed in space, the part consisting of the relationship between people and architecture is dynamic, the elemental part of architecture, which is the skeleton or is not influenced by people. The parts are static, and they are mixed to the extent that it is difficult to distinguish between dynamic and static, and it is necessary for people to move in order to understand the difference. Represents.

In the "Barcelona Pavilion", considering that people walk around the space, the walls and pillars are arranged, the type of glass is changed, and marble with different texture is used, not only in the plan and space arrangement, but also in various ways. It was devised.

The function may not be relevant for walking around. The "Barcelona Pavilion" has no function, so it can express a clear idea of ​​modernism, but it seems that it is sufficient to devise plans and finishing materials in order to make it easier to walk around.








"Expressing concentration with pillars"

Dynamic and static are not the state of skeleton infill, where the part consisting of the relationship between people and architecture is dynamic, the elemental part of architecture is the skeleton or the part that is not influenced by people is static. I'm looking for a plan like the difference in the concentration of mixing.

The other day, I watched a movie of Meath's "Barcelona Pavilion" at a local movie theater. It was one of the five Bauhaus 100th Anniversary Film Festivals that screened last year, but it revives when I saw it 20 years ago, and with a new interpretation, it's still fresh. I was surprised at the sharpness of the original, as the original was completed at the same time as the Dojunkai apartment, although it has been restored.

There is a mirror-finished cross pillar near the marble wall. Generally, pillars support the roof and upper floors, but they are structurally pillars because they are so close to the wall that the roof can be supported by the wall and the wall can withstand horizontal forces. I don't need it.

Twenty years ago, I didn't notice that much, but there is a sculpture of a female statue in the courtyard, which is incompatible with this modernist architecture, but in the movie, the pillar of the cross and the statue of the woman are confronted, and the pillar of the cross Is a decoration that modernism has abolished, which is also a sexual decoration, where Mies expresses the concentration of a mixture of dynamic and static in pillars and their positions, which is perfectly completed as modernist architecture. I felt the splendor of this "Barcelona Pavilion" again.







"Difference between dynamic and static concentration"

Dynamic and static are both established and complemented at the same time, with the part consisting of the relationship between people and architecture as dynamic, and the basic part of architecture, which is the skeleton or the part that is not influenced by people, as static. Create a fit.

However, when it is divided into dynamic and static, it does not mix like water and oil at all, and it does not separate clearly, but as an image, small dynamic and static fine particles exist at the same time. , The ratio of fine particles differs depending on the location, and the concentration is different, and the appearance of the building is determined by the difference in the concentration.

If you divide it into dynamic and static, you can imagine a state like a skeleton infill, but considering the difference in concentration, I felt that a different development would appear.



人の数あるアクティビティの中でも「歩く」は建築と相性が良い。コルビュジエ もミースも歩くことによる空間のシーンの変化を建築に取り入れている。





"Emotions in activity"

Among the many activities of people, "walking" goes well with architecture. Le Corbusier Incorporates the changes in the spatial scene of his walking and Mies into his architecture.

By walking, you move through the space, and the scene of the visible space changes each time. This change in what you see gives various movements to architecture that does not move.

Now, I am planning to find my place in the architectural space by adding human emotions to the movement of "walking" in this architectural space.

By dealing with emotions, the inner side of the person is reflected more, and the relationship between the person and the architecture is created. I consider it one of the main themes in modern architecture.









"Choose emotions"

The activity of "selecting" connects people and architecture. What to choose at that time, I'm thinking of choosing "emotion".

Human emotions are not visible, so we need to replace them with visible ones. Architecturally considering the replacement, I decide to choose a place based on emotions.

At first, the activity of choosing a place connects people and architecture. Emotions are the standard when choosing a place of residence, and by repeating this, emotions are linked to the place of residence, and choosing a place of residence changes to choosing emotions.

For example, if you want to feel "happy" and want to go there, you will be able to elicit and control your emotions, which will determine your whereabouts and thus change the way you look at architecture.

It may seem that it is not good to be influenced by emotions, as the word "become emotional" is, but it seems that people are acting with reason, and that reason is actually dominated by emotions. Even if you look around the society, there is no saucer that can accept individual feelings in reality. I think that it is inevitable that architecture will be built on the saucer because it will be built on the basic basis of people as the word "clothing, food and housing" is used.







"Emotional realization"

I want to give shape to people's emotions. Forming emotions in architecture, which embodies emotions, can be thought of as one of the expressions that there is a place to stay according to the feelings, and to choose a place based on the feelings. Is.

However, at first, the emotions were used to select the place of residence, but the emotions gradually became established in the place of residence, and I wanted to become those emotions, so I would choose the emotions associated with the location.

Then, it may not be a form of emotion, but I feel that the place where the emotion can be related can be the embodiment of emotion.








"If the architecture can respond"

Architecturally thinking about making choices, I thought that people were always choosing something in space. And, of course, there are some choices that are not attributed to architecture, but I also thought that if they were done in space, they would not be completely unaffected by architecture.

I think it's common for people to choose from the choices in space, but when you think about what the criteria are for people to make that choice, it's usually that person. I think that the standards inside are prioritized and there are often no standards on the building side, but that may be obvious, but then the building can be anything, the building can be a box, a container, If you don't like a simple box, you can make it a cool box, and it depends on the person.

Still, humanistic architecture is fine, but even if there are criteria for selection in people, if architecture can respond at that time, it can be spun out from the relationship between people and architecture, and then architecture. Is not good at all, it will be unique.

"Response" seems to be anthropomorphic to architecture, but in reality, architecture cannot move, so people are influenced by architecture at that time. Therefore, it is not good to think about the influence of architecture on people, including methods.
