




"Words other than space"

When an architecture really gets smaller, people will be the ones that occupy the most space in the architecture. People are treated the same as things. In that case, architecture becomes only a thing even when it is in use.

You can ignore the relationship with people who treat architecture only as a thing. In that case, the material feeling of the thing itself determines the quality of the space. However, in that case, I think that the place is a space, or that a space needs people or a premise that there are people.

I casually use the word "space" discovered in the 20th century every day, but when I think about it that way, I want to apply another word to the word "space".







"Valuable things"

There must be somewhere in the heart that a person wants to keep something that he is attached to over time, which is the opposite of decluttering.

In the first place, good decluttering is aimed at eliminating things, and living in the minimum makes it easier to face life, so it is easier to understand the direction you want to go without hesitation, but the minimum Decluttering is completely different, and the minimum is not to throw away things, but to make consciousness more physically simple, regardless of the presence or absence of things.

Increasing attachments means moving away from consumption, going out of the cycle of producing, consuming, and reproducing, and only those who are outside the cycle are valuable. Arendt said he could get it.







"Shape and time"

It's not difficult to create "shapeless" architecture. To be precise, it is an architecture that makes it look like it has no shape, and when it is said that it has no shape, it is still dealing with shape, just like an architecture that has a shape.

The shape is closely related to the passage of time because the shape is the state at that time when the material is modified according to a certain rule. So "shapeless" architecture is a design element of time, and you can stop it before the shape is complete.

Once it becomes "shapeless", it doesn't matter what you do from there, and you deal with the shape, but if you place importance on elements other than the shape, the shape becomes inconspicuous if you are aware of the passage of time.








"Rely on words"

It's a story when you look at an architecture, where you look at the shape, and you naturally think about how that shape compares to the afterimage of the shape of the architecture you've seen so far.

Therefore, when I create it, I first imagine the shape naturally. However, if you do so, you will see, think, and form your own habit, which gives you a sense of déjà vu and makes you wonder why it is boring.

Recently, I've been thinking about words first, and then relying on those words to draw shapes. In terms of words, it is possible to describe things that cannot be immediately imagined in actual shape, such as "round and square", and things that are inconsistent, and it is the same in terms of materiality as "hard and soft". Since it can be described as such, you can go in a different direction from there, in a direction without déjà vu.

Now I'm thinking of "shapeless" architecture.








"Intention to notice unnaturalness"

At first glance, columns and walls do not know whether they are bearing some load, such as the weight of upper floors or roofs, or the forces of horizontal earthquakes and wind pressures. This is because the pillars and walls may be dummy or incorporated as a design.

For example, if there is a pillar or wall in the design, make it look natural, make it look natural as a structurally essential thing, or intentionally send a sign that it is a dummy. Do you show it like that?

If it turns out to be a dummy on purpose, there are often other intentions. Make them realize that it is a dummy on purpose, and make them think about their intentions from there.

Mies's "Barcelona Pavilion" does that. And it had a very strong message in the architecture, and if it could be felt, it would have met the order of a new era.









"Fusion of order"

The order of the structure of architecture to resist gravity is not always the order that people spend in space. It is the same in other words that the order for a space to be established as a structure of architecture is different from the order for people to feel comfortable in that space.

Does it never match, or does it need to match? If you focus on the relationship between architecture and people, you want to match and want to match, but if you treat architecture only as an object, it doesn't matter whether it matches or not. You only have to think about the order in which architecture works as a structure.

Only the conclusion is normal, but that is too normal and the process is the same as thinking nothing, and the resulting architecture is also normal.

At Mies' Barcelona Pavilion, the order of the architectural structure against gravity was in line with the order in which people were able to spend time in space. To be more precise, they were fused and fused, and the order of both sides was united.

After all, one person is more persuasive as an architecture. Is it possible to acquire simple complexity as an architecture by fusing different orders and combining them into one?








"Give the role of" matching "people's movements"

If you think about adapting people's movements in places that have nothing to do with function, you will surely change the way you think about not only the plan and finishing materials, but also various parts such as columns, walls, openings, and stairs. I thought it was necessary.

Parts such as pillars, walls, openings, and stairs have their own roles, which can be called functions, but they are arranged according to the order of their roles. Their arrangement is not decided in consideration of the movement of people, but it certainly affects the movement of people.

However, the effect does not go to the point of "improving", but "arranging" like a rectifying plate and ordering the movement of people in the space, which is natural, such as pillars, walls, openings, stairs, etc. This is because each part of the body has only the order according to each role.

In order to adjust the movement of a person in a place that has nothing to do with the function, another order is given to parts such as pillars, walls, openings, and stairs, which gives the role of "according to" the movement of the person, and the order of that role. It must be arranged according to the above, which changes the way of thinking.
