








"Pure Prisoner"

It 's a Mathis dance, Andy Warhol 's Campbell soup can, Richenstein 's cartoon chic painting, Jackson Pollack 's action paint, even though it 's completely different in age and ism, but I like flat paintings I liked all of Jasper Jones's flag and Higashiyama Kaoru, and there was always a permanent exhibition at the National Museum of Modern Art. Was a masterpiece.

Sometimes I like the work itself, and sometimes I like the artist itself, but as a whole, I was attracted to paintings that feel "flatness" as a big conclusion.

The first time I touched a two-dimensional painting was a Campbell soup can from Warhol that was permanently installed at MOMA. The first impression was a surprise that "This is a picture, a work", and people are vulnerable to surprise It will remain in a place with a deep memory and impression, so you will be captivated.

Then, mysteriously, the spirituality that should have been excluded to acquire flatness will start to grow.

Architecture and paintings are often compared, and in modern times architecture and paintings are different, and a wide variety of isms and thoughts have been established. Originally, modern architecture and paintings originated from an ism that can be called the "modernism" movement, and then The movements are homologous, and if you look at paintings through architecture, or see architecture through paintings, it will be easier to understand the times, isms, and thoughts.

It wasn't, but it was still happening, but the first thing that touched modernism was the painting before the architecture, and the previous Campbell soup can, so if you were a prisoner of "flatness" Attracted to modernist architecture.

However, although modernist architecture is a geometrical impression rather than flat, architecture and painting are the same in terms of eliminating decoration, eliminating the spirituality associated with decoration, and pursuing pure autonomy. It may have been captivated by the "pureness" of the original and geometrical origin.











"Ripple-like presence"

There was an opportunity to show me the extreme of celadon porcelain, the one of Longquan in Zhejiang Province.

The quality of the celadon seems to be determined by the color. The color is beautiful, there is no dullness, clear blue is good, and it is better to thicken the paint. The image of a celadon porcelain is thin and delicate, but this celadon porcelain was not so and had a profound presence as an object.

I'm not sure if it was used everyday, but it seems to have been used. Imagine the situation that was being used, and the presence as a thing seemed to spread like a ripple, and I felt that various things became clear.

What is put on this celadon porcelain, how does it appear and how does it feel?

Where will this celadon vessel be placed, how will the surrounding space change and what will it feel like?

Who will handle this celadon porcelain, and how will it change the mind, emotions and consciousness of the person who handles it?

And one more thing, what will change if this celadon vessel disappears from it?

Annotating things, going to the extreme, and returning from there, I think that the best part of things is that you can see a different landscape.









"Building a mechanism"

To solve some mechanism, it is necessary to know the whole picture and not to be familiar with it, and to solve the mechanism is to break down the whole into elements and solve each element. To clarify the relationship and connection between each element.

The purpose of solving the mechanism seems to be reproducibility, and by solving it, each element is subdivided into smaller parts, further decomposed smaller than each element, returned to the first source, and then reversed. And go back. After going to the first source and confirming the correctness of the mechanism, the only way to return to it is to return to the original path.

But if you can, find a different way on the way back, the way to return is the same, but you want to be able to go to a place other than the place where you originally returned, want to add creativity to reproducibility, so think about solving the mechanism .

When you create a problem from an answer and solve it again, if possible, you want a better, creative answer than the first answer, and the same answer is meaningless.

So, when trying to solve the mechanism, there is a way to go back and make sure you can go home and explore different ways, that is, when you solve the mechanism, the purpose is reproducible, but 1 I'd like to show that there are multiple ways, not for finding the main road, and that it can have diverse results.

When thinking so, solving a mechanism not only breaks down and explains a certain thing, but also leads to the construction of a new mechanism.











"Because it is cloudy"

Well, I do n't feel good, maybe because the weather is n't good, maybe because it 's cloudy, it 's more and more depending on the weather. However, I feel like I do.

It is not an exaggeration to say that architecture depends on the external environment because it cannot move, and that almost everything is determined by the external environment.

For example, the scale is determined by the size of the site, the regulations of the site, the building coverage ratio, floor area ratio, and height restrictions. Of course, there is also a budget, and if the site is too large, it will not be built to the full scale. In urban areas, there are not many such large sites, so they will be used to the fullest.

Applications are also affected by the external environment. There is almost no private housing in the middle of the downtown area, and there is no need to create an office building in the suburbs.

Also, the indoor environment depends on the external environment. Take measures against the outside environment, such as the surroundings surrounded by buildings, facing the main road, the park next to the park, and a quiet residential area, or conversely improve the indoor environment by taking advantage of the outside environment To do.

However, even if it depends on the external environment, the superiority or inferiority of the architecture is not determined by the external environment.

It doesn't mean that the scale is large, not to mention what the purpose is good for architecture, and the indoor environment depends on measures and how to make use of it.

So, even if the weather is cloudy, rainy or sunny, even if you change your mood, it's fine to try something you can do because it is cloudy.

















"Absolute, relative, recognition and design"

Do you not understand the sensitivity unless you compare it with something, or do you know the sensitivity because there are parts that are not delicate, so is the sensitivity a relative value standard?

Suppose that there was a space where thin objects stand, for example, in the nature, anyone would have seen a bamboo forest, the scenery where bamboo stands, but when you saw the bamboo forest, a delicate space spread out You may not feel like you are.

Each bamboo is thin, if you look closely, it may look extra thin because there are knots, especially because there are few other trees growing in the bamboo forest, so there is no comparison. However, there is a perception that bamboo is thin compared to pine and cedar, so even if you are not familiar with plants, bamboo is thin.

So, there is a perception that bamboo is delicate, or in short, if there is recognition, it means that even if there is nothing to compare, it is delicate.

However, since the recognition of human beings is when it is compared to something, the recognition that bamboo is thin is just the result of the comparison, and that recognition walks alone and becomes an absolute value standard, Using it, for example, using bamboo on the floor pillar of a Sukiya building, put something that is recognized as thin as a target to be compared, and add it later. In this case, if it is a person, it is extremely fine, such as bamboo, compared to a person However, if you think that the sukiya architecture looks more delicate because there are more people because the subtlety stands out, will the relativity determine the value at the recognition and use stage after recognition?

Then, does absolute delicacy exist and how does it exist?

Even if it is a sukiya building, it looks thin and delicate because there is an object to compare as a private house. If there is only Sukiya architecture, you may not notice the delicacy.

When thinking about the details of an architecture, eventually all of them are reduced to dimensions, but it is often the case that when measuring the famous architecture, if there is a delicate image of the architecture, the dimensions of the details of the architecture are reduced. There is no basis for trying to give subtlety to the grounds, whether the architecture should be replaced by evidence, where it belongs, where it belongs, and completely different architecture. For the architecture, the dimensions just looked delicate.

So, I did not actually measure a famous building. Of course, there was a reason other than delicacy, and the act of trying to understand a famous building numerically is essentially understanding that space of that building. I thought that the dimensions were determined in a secondary way, rather than the construction space being created with the dimensions of the press, and of course, Corbusier was of course Modroll. For example, the unite dabitacion and the La Tourette monastery stayed overnight and measured without sleeping all night, but it is still to confirm the modularity, so let's memorize the famous architecture numerically I am trying to remember it with my own sense. In this case, the sense is relative, compared to the architecture I experienced in the past, but the feeling that is accumulated in me. Becomes a thing is absolute, it comes to recognition.

You can't express delicacy if you don't have something to compare to the surroundings, but when you want to bring out delicacy, you draw out the delicacy from your past drawers. That means creating on an absolute value basis.

But in the end it becomes a different expression. Because there is nothing to compare, it does not seem to be delicate, but if the author is concerned with the sensitivity there, only the goofy thing can be done, but if it is delicate at first glance, there is nothing to compare even if expressed as absolute delicacy , It may not be recognized as delicate, it may be just thin or ugly.

However, this unpleasant thing happens even when there is something to compare. Obviously, it is thin when compared, and even when trying to make it look delicate by changing the material.

In the first place, when it is not delicate, that is, although it can express relatively delicate, if it is not absolutely delicate, it will eventually become dull and ugly. That seems to be the case, but it seems like a surprising number of cases.

After all, it is up to the author who has an absolute value standard, but since relativity is also necessary, the balance between absolute and relative, the in and out determines the delicateness, the design is what to do with that balance, the balance The designer decides the balance, and the balance is determined by the quality or level of the designer's absolute value standards.






"Don't get depressed"

"There is" the first voice of this morning, "What 's the second voice of this morning", the emotions in the voice started this morning, a new project started again today, and the preparations for that will be done from about a month ago This morning's voice of the results I started.

It was quite carefully set up, almost 3 days ago it was almost completed, and it should have reached the morning of the first day, but people told me that if I think so, it is in stock and it is necessary to purchase I tried hard to arrange the ones that were not there, and I comforted myself because it was better to use the new ones, but I did not notice at all until I pointed out that I mistaken the quantity as expected As soon as I was pointed out, I knew that I couldn't remember this place, so I couldn't remember it. If you did, you returned to normal, but you don't know why you made a mistake.

After all, it may be that the setup is sweet, but this is also happening for the pattern that this will happen on the first day as well, so I'm just depressed and the project itself is nothing There was no problem, and it was a smooth day. So, as a result, it was sweet to myself that it was the result of the setup, and comforted myself, and I thought it would be good. But again the stock increased.








There is something strange about the connection, and it is not a strong connection, but it is not weak.

This is a story about people, not just a story on the internet, but only when people are in direct contact with each other. A connection on the internet is so weak that it is still strange that it is still connected. It is also strange because it is sometimes comfortable, and I feel that there is a strong connection like a family, a very weak connection like a net, and two connections with different strengths between them.

The overwhelming majority of people who have worked or introduced their work so far are those with intermediate strength, which may vary from person to person, but at first it is a very weak connection It starts and nothing happens if it remains very weak, but if it becomes a little stronger, of course, it may be a story about work, not everyone.

However, nothing happens when it gets too strong. Of course, this should be different from person to person, so the strength of the connection with people in the case of work is always a concern, and I think that it should not be too strong, but it is difficult and weak.