





"Is it an inseparable function?"

When thinking about space, giving priority to functions, it may be natural, what is the space for, even if it is a business, even if it is not, for example, setting up a tent in a forest and setting up a space Even when you make it, you will put up a tent to think about what you do during your stay in the place, so that thinking enhances its functionality, that is, gives priority to what the function you do in the place Therefore, space and function cannot be separated in any case.

Then, we can separate space and function, and if we can think about it, we can create another space again, at least in words.

However, what does it mean to separate the space from the function that the image can not catch up with? For example, if you try to create a space where the function is not defined, it will already be a space with the functionality of "undefined function" So it will fall.

Speaking of the tent I mentioned earlier, natural forests are made up of nothing to do with functions, but artificial forests become spaces with functionality that does not define functions. Entering is that kind of thing, or that you can't create something without functions, and that you don't want to go out.







"Dislike favorite things"

I hate the shape, but I think it would be nice to change the size and scale, or I don't like the shape, but some of the shape is good, and that helps me, and I think it's good.

In the fight against greed, the act of thinking and thinking about what is good for me while searching for it may be the best way to learn design.

There are few shapes and things that I think are perfect other than my own, and even if I try to create my own, I may not be able to reach the perfect shape due to constraints or lack of understanding, but given the knowledge and hearing I do not want to judge the superiority, so I have to do trial and error myself, if I do not make it obvious or sometimes from the beginning, it will be time-consuming and troublesome, but otherwise I feel like I can fight even if I am not do not do.

If I thought about it for a day, I made a reservation at the dentist, but the scale of good and bad things changes, and I just noticed a slight difference in viewpoint and noticed it, I like things I dislike It seems to be.







"Focus on mood and emotions"

If the appearance or design changes due to things that are inside and seemingly invisible from the outside, such as the mood and emotions of the person, I think that it is the best design to build a relationship with people .

What is inside comes out through something. It just needs to be architecture or design.

Architecture and design often affect people and change their moods and emotions. If you put yourself in a nice design and a stylish space, you will feel refreshed.

The opposite is rarely seen. In everyday life, there are overwhelmingly few nice designs and stylish spaces, and the mood and emotions of the inner people occur on a daily basis. Then I thought I would like to focus on the mood and emotions of those people and see the architecture and design that change as they affect it.







"Construction is also a category"

There is already an overlap between the outside and the inside, and there is, of course, a different appearance between the inside and the outside. This is a story of a wall where the finishing material is different, the required performance is different, and the design is naturally different.

The exception is bare concrete walls, where there is no distinction between inside and outside. However, Tadao Ando, ​​an architect, is a concrete bare wall, but fills the hole of P-con if it considers the wall to be outside, and does not fill the hole of P-con if it considers it to be inside. Was. Certainly, sometimes it is inside, but sometimes it fills the hole in P-con, and Tadao Ando considers that space to be inside but outside, and has witnessed the opposite case.

Since the exposed concrete wall can be made the same design inside and outside, it is a minimal space, a simple space, a design that emphasizes the space, or a formwork that is molded and molded, so it is a solid design as a lump From a different point of view, it seems that it is difficult to add meaning and interpretation beyond the wall to the block, because it only creates the wall formed into a block as the inside and outside boundaries.

In order to create a wall that can overlap and project various interpretations and meanings, its constitutional structure is likely to fall into the category of design.







"End of fusion"

Corbusier's early works seem to lack the overlapping elements of the motifs that are characteristic of Purism's paintings, but in later works, especially the La Tourette monastery, they do.

In short, the architecture was hard to understand at first glance. I don't know how to try to understand the architecture, but it seems too obvious and difficult to understand, but there is something like an impulse to understand, probably because I stayed at La Tourette Monastery, that fear of darkness Perhaps because of the experience, I asked everywhere when the whole picture was seen in the morning, I understood each and every one of them while desperately resisting being washed away by the waves of the design that was thrown I was trying.

Looking back now, there is a lot of overlap, a variety of forms such as painting motifs, various elements can be seen and hidden, and the architectural space is complex enough to give a different impression depending on where you are right now was.

It is strangely convinced that this is the end of the fusion of modernist architecture and purism painting.







"See the overlap"

In the afternoon, we design modernist architecture by advocating the five principles of modern architecture, and in the morning, we draw a painting of Purism. It was likely that he had reconsidered and planned a new modernist architecture in the afternoon.

In Corbusier's head, there is a transition from purism to modernism, which at first glance seems to be different, but it is interesting to think that it is the same or that there are many identical parts.

I wonder if there is a part of modernism architecture that overlaps with the motifs that are the characteristic of the painting of Purism, and emphasizes only the outlines of the motifs, or responds to bringing meaning.

The modernist architecture certainly emphasizes the horizontal and vertical and the outline of the appearance, but I think there is no overlapping element there. There may be parts that have not yet been noticed.





コルビュジエは、ピュリスムの表現技法を建築に用いて、内部空間を構成していた。午前はアトリエで絵を描き、午後は事務所で建築の設計をしていたというコルビュジエ にとって、午前のピュリスムの絵を描く時間は建築の実験をしていたのだろう。




"Resonate with each other"

I haven't seen any of the designs that fold over and over, so I can't easily imagine the image. However, if I think of paintings that use collage techniques, and if each of them is designed, it's easy to imagine.

Both the paintings of Purism and, for example, the paintings of Corbigier, compose the screen based on the degree of overlap of the motifs, extract only the outline of the overlap of the motif, and the motif itself is originally flattened, and only the outline is another Motifs or create different meanings, so if this motif is also designed, you can imagine how it folds differently from a collage.

Both the collage and the purism have a flattened screen composition, which, in short, was a new attempt at painting with clear shadows and a three-dimensional effect. Instead of shading the motif to give it a sense of depth, the motif itself was folded over and over to add depth to the existence of the motif.

Corbusier used purism expression techniques in architecture to compose the interior space. For Corbusier, who painted in the atelier in the morning and architectural design in the office in the afternoon, the time of painting the Purism in the morning would have been an architectural experiment.

La Corcheier-designed La Roche Jeannelet's house in Paris, which has an interior space where only the outline of the overlap emerges, when you put yourself in that interior space, it seems that activities along the outline occur naturally. did. The reason is that the relationship between the contour and the person is close.

However, just because I experienced La Roche-Jeanneret's house, I wondered if the interior space I wanted to realize would not be a line of contour, but a wall that would make architecture and people interact more Would.