





"When architecture was utopia"

When I was planning an apartment house and reading various materials, the form of an apartment house started in the middle of the 19th century, and it was built by the first half of the 20th century aiming at the utopia of workers, and its social demands and modernism. You can see how the architectural philosophy of "" has prospered together.

There is also a worker's house in the work of modernist Le Corbusier, and I have only seen apartment houses like Unite d'Habitation in Marseille, but since it is not a worker's house, I will show drawings and photographs in materials and exhibitions. When I saw it, I was attracted to the architecture of the geometrical form of modernism, but I felt a neat appearance that reflected the sociality of that era.

Looking at the materials at that time, architecture was directly used to solve social problems, as the social demands of the times and architecture responded linearly. Compared to the present day, the social problems that were occurring at that time were clear and easy to understand, so in many cases it could be solved only by architecture that is directly connected to daily life, and it would have been easier for the building side to set goals.

That's why, when you look at the architecture at that time, it looks like utopia from the perspective of the creator. The social problems that are occurring in modern times are too complicated to be dealt with by architecture alone.








"Unique sensibility"

Imagine what a person would do when he first entered the space, the first time he entered. In a space where you have entered repeatedly, you may learn and follow similar behavior patterns, but that is also based on the behavior patterns when you first enter.

Imagine entering a space and being impressed. At first, you don't know the state of the space in advance, so you may be impressed by the surprise effect, but when you hear the story that you get used to it every time you enter it and you will not be impressed, you can do it as many times as you like if it is a really good space. I think I'm impressed, so if I'm not impressed, it's a matter of human sensitivity, or it's a really good space in the first place.

In the first space, a person searches for a place to put himself, that is, a place to stay. First of all, where you are, it becomes a safe zone, and after it is decided, you can see various functions and uses.

The sensitivity of a person in impression is also useful for finding a place in the space for the first time, and can be used as a common antenna, which is the person's unique sensibility when recognizing the space.








"Visualization of feelings"

The space where the functions are just rearranged is not interesting. For example, even if the function of water circulation suddenly appears, it will only be confusing, and it will be good if a person follows the function to establish a space.

There is more than one correct answer as to why the plan is decided, but I would like to think in the category of the relationship between people and architecture. It may seem natural because architecture is something that people use, but there are also architectures that consist of abolishing people.

What I am thinking now is that people autonomously face architecture according to their own feelings, and the appearance of architecture and space is determined by being heteronomously influenced by the architecture that responds to it. It is to bring "feelings" including moods and feelings into the relationship of architecture.

And that "feeling" is visualized as architecture.








"What is new"

When I think about finishing it like I've never seen before, there is a trade-off with cost, but if I don't think about whether it's good or bad and whether it's acceptable or not, I've never seen it before. It is easy to make such a finish.

Moreover, if the designer thinks, it is unlikely that he will do anything wrong with the architecture. If it is realized, the cost will be cleared, and the quality will have to be improved.

The only thing left is to balance the feeling of strangeness. It may seem natural that you feel uncomfortable when you try to do something new, but in reality, when you see something that feels new, you don't feel any discomfort at all. Rather, it is new, but it can explain how it is new, because this explanation can be thought of as an extension of the existing ones, and when that is not possible, a sense of discomfort arises.

So, conversely, when you feel something is wrong, people don't think it's new, but it's strange. If you create a lot of discomfort, you will be eccentric. It's harder to get rid of the discomfort than it is, and it's new.








"Moving from a familiar landscape"

You may feel relieved at the familiar scenery. Sometimes it calms down and you are drawn to the familiar scenery. A sense of security is important, and I think it would be a great pleasure to be relieved just by being there, on the consumer side.

Consumption is nothing more than consumption no matter how far it goes, and it will soon end in a short life.

When I make things, I don't want to go to the consumer side. I want to be on the producer side, and I don't want it to be just labor.

In the end, there is no choice but to move from a familiar landscape to a landscape without déjà vu, which exists as an extension of the landscape with déjà vu, but is definitely wearing something different.







"Architecture gives information"

Buildings on a scale larger than humans have a limited number of parts that can be touched directly, so we make various judgments from information that can be seen from a distance, and when deciding where to stay, the place where we can stay. It is judged from various information.

Some of the information comes from customs, there are rules on the spot, and it also includes normatives such as sociality and ethics other than architecture, so it may not be decided purely by architecture alone. No, but architecture is premised on reflecting sociality and ethics in its plans and shapes, but now its sociality and ethics are not clear and there is no information that leads to plans and shapes. It seems, but I think that the scheme that a person chooses a place of residence is established by giving various information by architecture.

Architecture is a form of material that exists as a thing even if there are no people there. However, since architecture is something that people use, and things that people do not use are works or ruins, it becomes necessary to think about architecture in relation to people. Then, I would like to express the relationship between people and architecture in plans and shapes, including how people perceive and recognize architecture.








"Architecture completed with people"

I converted the word "feeling" into a moving word "select". It is a premise that "feelings" are the criteria for judgment, and I envisioned that the result of judging and selecting something based on feelings would be the shape and plan.

When "feeling" is decomposed, it becomes "mood" and "emotion". Both are related to the human mind, but it is said that the state of one's mind becomes the "mood" and the state of the mind of another person becomes the "emotion".

Since people are aiming to independently relate to architecture and space, "mood" is the criterion, and by selecting something, the shape and plan of architecture and space are formed.

Then, the shape and plan become so-called secondary products, and people become independent. It also means that architecture and space are not complete without people.
