






"Even though it is complicated"

I think complex things can remain complex, but for some reason it is strange that they are well organized and easy to understand.

That's exactly why it has been mysterious that it is good to get rid of things you don't need, throw away things you don't need, and have a small selection of belongings.

The things around me are those that embody me, so as I get older, I experience various things, so I have something that has accumulated, aside from good or bad. Organizing the surroundings and throwing away the things you don't need now is like throwing away the things you have piled up, and then it will be messed up. Also, when I go back to the beginning, there are a lot of people who like myself, I regret it, I regret it, I like to throw it away. And because my sexual roots don't change, I just regret what I gave up later.

It's interesting that it's not complicated and simple, but you can keep it as it is. If you substitute it, you may not be able to do it, but if the value that you can leave it complicated is permeated, the society and the city are a little glossy, it is a margin, a margin, a gap, a gap I wonder if I can afford to carry extra things.

I don't say I don't need to organize, but no, it's easier to organize, there is more labor to hold complex things in complexity, and if you try to show it well, I think more ability is asked, that's why people don't want to be organized, they don't want to organize it separately, they don't want to be asked that they aren't organized, but they know that It 's strange.