









"Create a shape of space"

It is only necessary to determine the shape of the space directly with "human activities".

There is shape in space. Architectural space is an outline of daily life, and if only the outline is taken out, it can be recognized as a shape.

Everyday life is created by "people's activities", and if "people's activities" are reflected, the form of "people's activities" can be said to be a space.

However, this is not the case. The shape of the space is determined based on restrictions such as regulations, budgets, and architectural structures, and only "people's activities" are included in it.

In addition, many architectural theories in a broad sense also determine the shape of the space, but there is no "people's activities", and "people's activities" is another way of saying "living", " "Living" is outside the theory of architecture.

Therefore, in the form of the space determined by factors other than "people's activities" and "living", it does not match with daily life, and a very inconvenient and catching situation arises.

However, since there is no information that directly relates to the shape of space, that is, "people's activities" and "living", that is, there are no factors that directly relate to shapes, so the specifics that link "people's activities" and "living" with the shape of the space. Something is needed.

I think that is "setting", because "setting" triggers human activities. The shape of the space is created by providing "setting".