







"The mood is whereabouts"

I want to make "feeling" form as an architecture. If the act that the user uses in daily life also falls within the category of architecture, the "mood" that has some influence on the act may be the category of architecture.

Since "mood" has no elements that directly lead to the form of architecture, it seeks the form of architecture through actions that are influenced by "mood".

Why do you want to make "feeling" form? The reason is that people usually have a "mood" anywhere in their daily life, and that "mood" has various effects on things and things. In my daily life, I thought there would be no architecture that could build a close relationship with the people who use it.

Actions influenced by "mood" will create various stories in everyday life. Since that "mood" may not be one, it takes time and effort to combine multiple "mood" to demonstrate imagination and create a story from the act that was influenced.

The story is replaced with architecture, and the "feeling" is expressed as architecture using the difference between the original architectural form.

The architecture is a unique place because it has a unique mood.